All Aboard For Funtime! CD – 2023
Junko played piano on the new “All Aboard For Funtime!” CD by Lowbudget Records. She played piano on the song “San Tropez” (track #2).
“San Tropez”
The Beatles tribute CD – 2020
Once again, “The Unknowns” (Junko Ogawa, Rick Goggin, and Tim Casey) have contributed 2 songs (“Back In The USSR” and “Hey Jude”) for this special project–a double CD “Across Their Universe ll – Another LowBudget Tribute to The Beatles” by LowBudget Records. Special thanks to Kerry Maxwell for the lead guitar in “Back In The USSR”, and Billy Carl Mancini for the harmony vocal of “Hey Jude”.
“Back in the USSR”
“Hey Jude”
Bob Dylan tribute CD – 2018–2019
This year’s new special project CD is now for sale !!!
Our band name for this project is “The Unknowns.”
David Bowie tribute CD – 2017
Our new special project CD is now for sale! Our band, “Ground Control,” contributed 2 songs for this special project- a double CD “Loving the Aliens- A Lowbudget Tribute for David Bowie” by Lowbudget Records.
Rolling Stones tribute CD – 2016
The Rolling Bones band contributed two tracks- “Bitch” and “It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll” to the Rolling Stones tribute compilation double CD “You Can’t Always Want What You Get,” which was released by Lowbudget Records in Spring of 2016. The band includes Junko Ogawa (vocal/guitar/keyboard), Rick Goggin (vocal/lead guitar), John Zaia (vocal/bass), and Jonathan Williams (vocal/drums). The CD was produced by Tim Casey-chairman/owner of Lowbudget Records, of Boston, MA. Click here to buy or download the CD.
“It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll (But I Like It)”
Check out this excellent review by Bill Copeland.
Monkees Tribute CD – 2014

The Rick Goggin Five band contributed two tracks to the Monkees tribute compilation double CD, “A Lowbudget Barrel of Monkees” which was released by Lowbudget Records in 2014. The band includes Rick Goggin (vocal/guitar), Junko Ogawa (vocal/guitar/keyboard/piano), Bill Duncan (vocal/guitar), Chris Grant (bass), and Rob Norberg (vocal/drums). The CD was produced by Tim Casey-chairman/owner of Lowbudget Records, of Boston, MA. Buy the CD here.
Song for “Homeless” CD – 2012
“Everyone Needs A Home” produced by Steve Rapson:
Junko wrote a song entitled “Conversation” and contributed to the fundraising by the sales of the compilation CD “Everyone Needs A Home.” Click here to read more.
Song for Holiday Charity – 2010
“Our Finest Gifts” Compilation Holiday CD, proceeds to The Small Can Be Big Organization. Junko and Bill Duncan contributed “The Silent Night in Japanese”
More information is on their Facebook page.